On the Size of Full Element-Indexes for XML Keyword Search
We show that a full element-index can be as space-efficient as a direct index with Dewey ids, after compression using typical techniques. 1 Full Element-Index for XML Keyword Search Keyword search is a crucial operation that has to be supported on XML data. Earlier works attacking this problem from information retrieval (IR) perspective essentially consider disjunctive query semantics (e.g., see [2]); whereas works representing the database (DB) perspective mainly concentrate on Web-style conjunctive semantics (e.g., [1,4]). Typically, an inverted index is the preferred data structure for XML keyword search in both communities. In this respect, a straightforward approach is indexing each element in the XML data as a separate document, which is formed of the text contained in the element itself and that in all of its descendants [2]. This is called a full (element-)index. While a full index can support both disjunctive and conjunctive keyword search semantics, the nested structure of XML data poses some efficiency challenges on its use in practice [1]. Most crucially, in a full index, a term t that is directly contained in an element at depth n is indexed n times, i.e., for each ancestor of that particular element (see Figure 1). This implies a non-trivial overhead in terms of storage space and query processing time. To cope with the above problems of a full element-index, a key decision is indexing only direct textual content for each element, excluding the contents of its descendants. This so-called direct index remedies the redundancy inherent in the full index, and allows disjunctive query processing with a certain level of success (e.g., see [2]). However, for Web-style conjunctive query processing, such a direct index (in contrast to a full index) needs to explicitly capture the ancestor-descendant relationships among the elements. To this end, one of the most widely accepted solutions is labeling each element with Dewey IDs [1,4]. In Dewey ID representation, the label of a given node encodes the path from the document root down to the node so that the ancestor-descendant relationships between the nodes could be determined directly (see Figure 1). Currently affiliated with Google Ireland. 1 In this study, we focus on simple keyword queries without structural constraints. R. Baeza-Yates et al. (Eds.): ECIR 2012, LNCS 7224, pp. 556–560, 2012. c © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012 On the Size of Full Element-Indexes 557 Fig. 1. An example XML tree and corresponding full and Dewey-encoded indexes In this paper, we question one of the most important arguments against a full element-index, namely, index size. We advocate that, although a raw full index may be larger than a Dewey-encoded index, the size disadvantage may disappear after compression. Our claim is based on two key observations. First, the upper-level nodes of an XML document would be usually shared by many lowerlevel nodes, which would reduce redundancy in posting lists (e.g., in Fig. 1, since nodes 3 and 4 share the ancestor 5, it is enough for the posting list of term “language” to include only two ancestor nodes, namely, 5 and 7). Second, for typical tree-traversal orders, elements with ancestor-descendant relationships would be assigned very close ids, yielding smaller id gaps and higher compression ratio for a full index. In what follows, we justify our claims by a formal discussion and experimental results for three large datasets and different compression methods. 2 A Formal Comparison of Space Complexities We provide a formal analysis for the space complexities of the full elementindex and Dewey-encoded index. Without loss of generality, we use the wellknown Elias-γ compression method [3] and restrict our discussion to compressing element ids (as they occupy the majority of the space in an index). We assume that the input XML tree to be indexed is a complete k-ary tree of depth d. Space Complexity of the Dewey-Encoded Index (ID). Dewey ID of a node at level m consists of m integers (where 1 ≤ m ≤ d). That is, a node at level m is represented with the Dewey ID a = a1.a2.a3. . . . .am. In the worst case, only leaf nodes of an XML tree includes text, i.e., m = d. This is a viable assumption, since in a k-ary tree (k − 1)/k of the nodes are indeed leaves. As each ai is smaller than k, by using Elias-γ compression, a Dewey ID can be represented by at most d(2 lg k + 1) bits. Let’s assume that the posting list of a term t in the direct index ID consists of e number of elements. Then, the compressed size of the posting list of t would be e× d(2 lg k+1) bits. Hence, the space complexity of a Dewey-encoded index is O(ed lg k). 2 Recall that an integer x is encoded in 2 lg x+ 1 bits in Elias-γ compression [3]. 558 D. Atilgan, I.S. Altingovde, and Ö. Ulusoy Table 1. Dataset characteristics No. of Docs. No. of Elem. Max. Depth Avg. Depth Max Fan-out DBLP 1 4.9 million 4 1.9 479,426 Wikipedia 659,388 7.4 million 47 2.6 5,621 XMark 1 1.6 million 11 4.5 10,000 Space Complexity of the Full Element-Index (IF ). Without loss of generality, the nodes of the input XML tree T are labeled with respect to the some tree traversal order of T . If T is a complete k-ary tree, these labels are smaller than the number of nodes in T , which is K = 1+k+k+ ...+kd−1 = (kd−1)/(k−1). Assume that there are e elements in a term t’s posting list in the Deweyencoded index ID, and e ′ elements in corresponding list in the full index IF . As before, we also assume that all of the elements in a posting list of ID are leaf elements at depth d. To compare the sizes of Dewey-encoded and full indexes, we have to estimate e′. We begin by analyzing two extreme cases: (i) If none of the leaf elements has a common ancestor except the root node, then they would have e(d− 1) + 1 distinct ancestors. In this case, the corresponding posting list in IF would have e ′ = e(d−1)+1+e = ed+1 elements. (ii)All ancestors of these e leaf nodes are common. In this case, leaf elements would have d− 1 ancestors and the corresponding posting list in IF would have e ′ = e+ d− 1 elements. However, both of these cases are quite rare. Therefore, we make an average case analysis and try to estimate a decay factor, α, which symbolizes the proportion of decrease in the number of ancestor nodes in consecutive levels. Assume that there are e number of nodes at depth which contain term t directly and these elements have e −1 = αe number of ancestors at depth − 1. Note that α ≤ 1 and hence, e −1 ≤ e . Let’s consider a practical case where α ≤ 1/2. In this case, since e + e/2 + e/4 + ... + e/2 ≤ 2e, e′ is in the order of e. Recall that, for IF , element id gaps are compressed instead of the actual element ids. Since the element ids are between 1 and K and there are e′ elements in t’s list in IF , the average gap would be K/e′. Using Elias-γ method, a gap can be encoded in 2 lg (K/e′) bits. Since e′ ≤ 2e, the compressed size of t’s list with e′ elements is: e′2 lg K e′ = e′2 lg (k − 1)/(k − 1) e′ < 2e2 lg (k − 1) 2e < 4ed lg k = O(ed lg k). Hence, we conclude that for a typical XML tree where α ≤ 1/2, the space complexity of full and Dewey-encoded indexes are both O(ed lg k).
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